Jan 31, 2018 | Webmaster | 1566 views
Peewee #1 Wins 2nd Place at Oakville Tournament
Our Beeton Stingers Peewee #1 team had another successful weekend in Oakville Jan. 19-21st at the Frank Sabatino Memorial Tournament. They placed 2nd overall out of 16 teams in both the skills competition and tournament! They scored 21 goals in 4 games with only 3 goals against, putting them in 3rd place for the semi-finals. Congratulations to all our players for an exciting weekend of hockey!
Friday our Stingers played Nepean Raiders and dominated the game winning 9-0. Steven won the hat trick trophy and Charlie won for a shut out! Saturday we played Oakville Ducks and won 5-0 with Owen claiming the hat trick this game! Game 3 was against Penetang and was more challenging for the Stingers but they still came out with a win of 4-3. The semi-final game against Centre Wellington on Sunday was a close one. With a 1 goal lead going into the 3rd period, the parents couldn't sit down! Penalties kept coming our way but we still managed to score 2 more, winning 3-0! Congrats to Steven with the hat trick! The final game we played West London Hawks but lost 2-0. Great effort by all our players! Be proud Stingers!