BAA Picture Night is Wednesday March 6th starting at 5:30PM at the Tottenham Community Centre.
Please arrive 15 min prior to your time. Players must wear their White Jersey with dark undershirt and pants. Please bring your Stick and Gloves. No other equipment is required.
BAA Picture Night is Wednesday March 6th starting at 5:30PM at the Tottenham Community Centre
5:40PM U5 (Beginners)
6:00PM U7
6:20PM U9 #1
6:40PM U9 #2
7:00PM U11
7:20PM U13
7:40PM U15 #1
8:00PM U15 #2
8:20PM U18 #1
8:40PM U18 #2
9:00PM U21
Please arrive 15 min prior to your time. Players must wear their White Jersey with dark undershirt and dark pants. Please bring your Stick and Gloves. No other equipment is required.
Each player will receive 1 - 8x10 photo which includes an individual shot and team photo. Additional packages are available for purchase on picture night. Please look for communication from your coach or manager for details.