Hockey Banquet April 30th 4-8pm, News (Beeton Stingers)

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Apr 14, 2023 | Webmaster | 544 views
Hockey Banquet April 30th 4-8pm
Beeton Stingers had a great 2022-2023 season with our U11 and U13#1 teams winning their divisions in Simcoe Region!
Our banquet will be held Sunday April 30th upstairs at the arena from 4-6pm for Beginners, U7, U9 and U11 teams. 
U13, U15 and U18 teams will follow from 6-8pm. Awards and pictures will be presented to all players followed by pizza. All players, except beginners and U18's, please return both jerseys to your coach to be returned to our equipment manager.
Coaches please return ipads to Mark Shaw and trainer kits to Allan Collins.
Hope to see you there!

W.D. Potato Limited
3644 Sideroad 10 Beeton, Ontario L0G 1A0 Linda Davidson (905) 729-2263
Trevor's Roof Repairs
Trevor's Roof Repairs 416-522-7486
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