Registration Fees Due, News (Beeton Stingers)

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Nov 02, 2020 | Webmaster | 1263 views
Registration Fees Due
Just a reminder that the 1st installment of your registration fees are now due if you haven't already paid.
Please note the BAA is now accepting E-transfers,  please forward to Andrea Wallis at: [email protected] 

Please remember to put your child's name and team they're on in the message box with any etranfers. All payments are Due Nov.1st, Dec. 1st, Jan. 1st, Feb. 1st, Mar. 1st

W.D. Potato Limited
3644 Sideroad 10 Beeton, Ontario L0G 1A0 Linda Davidson (905) 729-2263
Milligan Energy
P.O. Box 105 Beeton, Ontario L0G 1A0 Mark Milligan (844) 729-0201
Trevor's Roof Repairs
Trevor's Roof Repairs 416-522-7486